Home Staging

Home Staging


Does home staging work?

Quite simply, yes. Nothing appeals more to a buyer than a clean and defined space without all the clutter and personal effects of the current owners. This helps the potential buyer create an emotional attachment to your property which leads to a faster sale and most likely a higher price. It’s hard for a buyer to imagine themselves in your home when your toothbrush is on bathroom counter and all your family photographs are on display.

Is home staging just a matter of cleaning the house and buying some fresh flowers?

No, today’s property buyers are much more savvy. Ordinary just does not cut it anymore. Involving a home stager to present your home for the real estate market means they will identify those areas of your home that need attention that you perhaps don’t even see anymore. A home stager will see your home with fresh eyes and showcase your home to allow it’s best features to be clearly seen by potential buyers.

I think my home is fine the way it is, are you going to tell me I have bad taste?

No. What I will do is offer creative suggestions on how you can best utilize what is in the home to improve the look and feel to prospective buyers. A buyer will decide within seconds of entering your property if it is the one for them so presentation is vital. A house might be lovely in terms of architecture and design, but unsuitable decor and furnishings can let a property down and distract a buyer from seeing the true beauty of your home.W

Why bother spending money on my house when I am selling it?

A valid question. Why bother detailing a car or cleaning out the interior before you sell it? No one wants something that looks like it has been neglected and they are going to have to spend money on fixing, so even the smallest investment in improving your property will be beneficial when it comes to sale time. Why give a buyer an excuse not to buy when a few simple fix ups can make a huge difference on the return in your investment. You only have one chance to make a first impression. Don’t waste it.

What is the difference between home staging and interior decorating?

Taste is a very personal thing and those items nearest and dearest to your heart may not be everyone’s cup of tea. Editing and taming clutter are essential when it comes time to sell your home. There is a difference between a house that looks nice to be living in and a house that looks nice to move into. Interior decorating is decorating to your taste and your lifestyle. Home staging is presenting a property to sell so it must appeal to the broadest range of buyers possible.

What about the inconvenience and upkeep of a staged home?

Yes, you will be out of your comfort zone but the point of staging is to sell as quickly as possible and for maximum profit so you can move on to your new home. If your home lingers on the market with little or no interest you start to get discouraged and often so does your real estate agent who will more than likely suggest a price drop so a little inconvenience may be a small price to pay for a quicker sale and more money in your pocket.

PREP pricing

Home Staging Consultation

Flat fee $165

(Includes e mailed report & colour consultation)

All other services – By quote

Realtor Rate Available